Part A --基本必考句型

both A and B .....AB兩個都...
between A and B.....A和B之間...
not only A but (also) B....不但A還有B
either A or B.....不是A就是B
neither A nor B.....不是A也不是B


**Mary is so pretty that everybody loves her.
**Mary is such a pretty girl that everybody loves her.

3. …是為了
… that…S...V
….in order that…S...V
….in order to V
….so as to V
....with a view to Ving
....with an eye to Ving

**I study hard so that I can get good grade.
**I study hard in order that I can get good grade.
**I study hard in order to get good grade.
**I study hard so as to get good grade.

3.1 ….為了不…; 以免 ; 唯恐
....S V in order not to V
………..for fear of Ving
....S V lest S should V

4. 以致於不….
….too…to V

**I am too tired to brush my teeth.

5. 一樣的

**I run as fast as John (does).

6. 盡可能地
as….as possible
as….as one can
I’ll come back as soon as possible.
I’ll com back as soon as I can.

My bag is bigger than yours.

use …. to V → 用…去…
be used to V → 被用來…
be used to Ving → 習慣於…
used to V → 以前常…(但現在不…)

9. Vt from…
…prevent …from


11. not…but 不是…而是…

12. ….. / 也不…..
S…V…, and S…V.., too.
= S…V…, and so BeV
S…V…, and S…not V.., either.
= S…V…, and neither ..BeV

I love John, and Mary does, too.
=I love John, and so does Mary.

I don’t love John, and Mary doesn’t, either.
=I don’t love John, and neither does Mary.

13. 不再….
… longer…
….not …any more (any longer)

14…..soon after S V 一…很快就…

15.There is no ….left…. (沒有…剩下來)

16….whether…..or not 是否….
17. the same….as 和…一樣
(1) As soon as S…V , S…V.
(2) On Ving…, S…V.
(3) S had no sooner P.P than S…Vpt
(4) S had hardly P.P. when S..V

*小偷一看到警察, 就很快地跑掉了
*As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away
*On seeing the police, the thief ran away quickly.
*The thief had no sooner seen the police than he
..ran away quickly.
*The thief had hardly seen the police when he ran
..away quickly.

= Not until ….倒裝
=It is not until...that

*I didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock last night.
*Not until 12 o’clock last night did I go to bed.
*It was not until 12 o’clock last night that I went to bed.

20. 助動詞
…must V : (現在) 必定..
…may V : (現在) 可能..
…can’t V : (現在) 不可能..

…must have P.P. : (過去) 必定..
…may have P.P. : (過去) 可能..
…can’t have P.P. : (過去) 不可能..
…should have P.P. : (過去)應該….的 (但是沒有…)
…needn’t have P.P. : (過去)不必要….的 (但是卻做了…)

21. If 句型


If S V(現在)… , S… will V…
If it rains tomorrow, we won’t go out for a picnic.


If S Vpt / were….., S would / could.. V
If I were a bird, I could fly.
如果我是小鳥, 我就會飛了
問題: 我現在是小鳥嗎??

If I studied harder, I could pass the exam.
如果我努力用功一點, 我考試就能及格了
問題: 我現在通過考試了嗎??


If S had P.P.….., S would have P.P.
If I had gone to the party last night, I would have met John.
如果我昨晚去參加了派對 , 我就能碰到John了
(可惜, 就是沒去ㄚ!!)

混血兒 (If +過去相反, 現在相反)

If S had P.P.….., S would V
If I had studied hard before, I could be a college student now.

* I wish …(使用與事實相反假設法的動詞-過去式/過去完成式)
I wish I were a millionaire.

....以上的事情都沒有發生 , 只是在作夢 .....

22.附帶狀況 with O Ving / P.P / adj / 介詞片語
Jane said goodbye to everyone, with her hand waving.
Dad lay on the sofa, with his eyes closed.
Don’t talk with your mouth full of food.
Mary came out of the classroom, with a book under her arm.

雖然 / 儘管
Although S V , S V
Despite N………., S V
In spite of N……, S V
S V , while S V
S V , but S V
S V ; however, S V

24. 無論…..(~ever)
Whoever V , S V
...Whoever else goes hungry, he won't.
Whenever S V , S V
…Whenever I see her, she is always smiling.
…無論何時看到她, 她總是微笑
Whatever S V , S V
…Whatever you do, do it well.
…無論你做什麼, 把它做好

25. 多麼……! (感嘆句)
How adj S V !
What a adj N S V !
How pretty she is!
What a pretty girl she is!

26. 儘可能去~ (盡全力去~)
do one’s best to V
try one’s best to V
do what one can to V
I’ll do my best to help you.

=I’ll do what I can to help you.

S tend to V
Old people tend to get fat.

Seems to me that S V
Seems to me that Mary falls in love with John.

It looks ~ to me
It looks difficult to me to keep a dog.

30.~soon after ~ …之後很快地
Very often I watch TV soon after dinner.

Some..... Others.........

Some..... The others.......

Some.... Some.....

1. Some..... Others......... 有些....有些.... (特定範圍-可數名詞)

The students in the classroom are busy. Some are doing their
homework. Others are reading.

教室裡的學生很忙, 有些在做功課, 有些在讀書 (還有一些人沒提到)

2.Some..... The others....... 有些.....其餘那些.....

The students in the classroom are busy. Some are doing their
homework. The others are reading.

教室裡的學生很忙, 有些在做功課, 其他人在讀書

3. Some.... Some..... 有些....有些.... (特定範圍-不可數名詞)

Some of his money was spent on clothes. Some was spent on

his books.
有些錢花在買衣服上, 有些錢在書上(還有些錢花在其他東西上)

4.Some.... Some..... 有些....有些.... (範圍不定-可數&不可數名詞)

Some people like to travel. Some people like to stay at home.

有些人喜歡旅行, 有些人喜歡待在家裡 (其他人還有別的選擇)

-- 開頭

1.As a general thing, S + V 一般而言

2.As a rule, S + V... → 一般而言; 通常
...As a rule, we get up about six o'clock.

3.As far as I know, S + V... → 據我所知,…
…As far as I know, Tim plans to study abroad year.
… 據我所知,提姆計畫明年出國唸書

4.As the saying goes, S + V... → 常言道,…
…As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock
....together.”….常言道, 物以類聚

5.Everybody knows that + S + V... 眾所周知,…
…Everybody knows that John is a man of ability.
…每個人都知道, 約翰是個有能力的人

6.Frankly speaking, S + V... 坦白地說,…
…Frankly speaking, I don’t like to speak ill of

7.Generally speaking, S + V 一般而言

8. I'm of the opinion that + S + V... 依我之見,
…(As far as I am concerned)
…I'm of the opinion that May will marry John
...sooner or later.…依我看,梅遲早會嫁給約翰

- 承接

1.According to + N , S + V... 根據…,…

2.As a matter of fact, S + V... 實際上,…

3.As far as I'm concerned, S + V... 就我而論,…

4.As good ( ill ) luck would have it, S + V...

5.As is often the case with + O, S + V...…

6.Besides, we should not neglect that S + V...

7.But it is a pity that S + V... 但是遺憾的是…

8.Compared with + N, S + V... 較之…,…

9.Even if + S + V, S + V... 即使…,…
( Though )

10.First of all, S + V... 首先,…

11.For all + N, S + V... 雖然…,…

12.For example, S + V...例如,…

13.For instance, S + V... 例如,…

14.For one thing, S + V... 一則,…

15.For the other, S + V... 另一方面,…

16.For this reason, S + V... 因為這個緣故,…

17.I take it for granted that S + V...

18.If we take ... into consideration, we + V...

19.In accordance with + N, S + V... 根據…,…

20.In addition, we should + V... 此外,我們必須…

21.In comparison with + N, S + V... 和…比較,…

22.In fact, S + V... 事實上,…

23.In other words, S + V...換句話說,…

24.In relation to + N, S + V... 關於…,…

25.In spite of + N, S + V... 雖然…,…

26.Despite N , S V… 雖然…,…

27.In the beginning, S + V...首先,…

28.In the first place, S + V...首先,…

29.It is not too much to say that S + V...…

30.No matter what …, S V 無論什麼…,…
.....No matter who …, S V 無論誰…,…

31.To begin with, S + V... 首先,…

32.To change another words, S + V... 換句話說

33.To one's astonishment, S + V... 令某人吃驚地

34.To one's delight, S + V... 令某人高興地,…

35.To one's disappointment, S + V...令某人失望地

36.To one's excitement, S + V... 令某人興奮地,…

37.To one's joy, S + V... 令某人高興地,…

38.To one's regret, S + V... 令某人後悔地,…

39.To one's surprise, S + V... 令某人吃驚地,…

40.To start with, S + V... 首先,…

41.To take...for example, S + V... 舉…為例,…

42.We have enough reasons to V 我們有足夠的理由…

43.What I must emphasize is ... 我必須強調的是…

44.What's more, S + V... 此外 ,…

45.What seems to be the problem is that S + V...

46.It pays to + V … &he
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